As the author states in the beginning of the book, she was always looking for ways for her husband to change so they could have a closer connection. Many times women think that if their husband changes then they would have a perfect marriage and all would be well in their world. However, are we asking for the wrong person to change?
Do we expect too much from our husband when we really don’t know what they are thinking or what they seem to be missing from the marriage? Are we being selfish?
Throughout the book, the author presents thoughts from husbands she interviewed over the years as to what they wanted their wives to know. Topics range from giving him breathing room to loving him spiritually. In Chapter One the author talks about understanding his world and provides an excellent chart on comparing men and women in their needs and how they perceive what they each needs. Men don’t think like women, nor should they. Men often feel they need to excel in all they do, and when they don’t their self-esteem is impacted. The author relates that men tend to gravitate toward what makes them feel successful, whether it is work or hobbies or sports.
In addition, the author gives us questions and topics to talk about with our husband and provides prayers to give us more patience and understanding in trying to get to know this man we married.
In Chapter Four, the author discusses making a man’s home his sanctuary. In other words, let him design his own area where he can relax and enjoy what he does. This also means giving him space to breathe without discussing problems of the day or what the kids did wrong — even though it important to discuss these things, sometimes we all need a break from the emotions and stress.
When A Woman Inspires Her Husband is well-written, easy-to-understand and readers will have a better understanding of how to work with their spouse as opposed to trying to be the leader all the time.